Answering society’s questions

Pricing, determinants of food consumption, taste quality of fruits and vegetables, food waste and production methods are just some of the topics that have been addressed in the Consumer Council. 

Scientific conferences, field visits and testimonials from professionals are used to answer questions from associations on each topic. 

Since 2016, a yearly Consumer Council morning has been organised, open to all. These events are theme-specific and resemble a mini-symposium. 

Providing practical documents, useful to all 

Board members have committed to never taking a shared position. The Consumer Council is an arena for dialogue, and each member is free to process the information collected as they wish. For some topics, however, the board members felt it appropriate to summarise their work in the form of documents for broad dissemination. 

For example, a working group of six associations (ADEIC, AFOC, CLCV, Familles de France, Familles Rurales, UNAF) has produced two practical guides on food waste. 

Two summaries have also been published in the Equation Nutrition newsletter.

Supporting associations’ actions

Since 2017, several Consumer Council members have wanted to work more closely with Aprifel and have requested backing for their own actions, resulting for example in the creation of information stands, scientific support for setting up studies and educational tools, etc. 

Actions carried out within this framework can take very diverse forms. 


Composition of the Aprifel Consumer Council  

  • Association d’Education et d’Information du Consommateur – ADEIC
    Representative : Jean-Louis BLANC et Julie VANHILLE
  • Association Force Ouvrière Consommateur – AFOC
    Representative : Valérie CHARTIER
  • Association Léo-Lagrange pour la Défense des Consommateurs – ALLDC
    Representative : Gérard SCHREPFER et Ludivine COLY-DUFOUR
  • Association pour l’Information et la Défense des Consommateurs - INDECOSA C.G.T
    Representative : Pascale BONNET
  • Confédération de la Consommation du Logement et du Cadre de Vie - CLCV
    Representative : Lisa FAULET
  • Confédération Nationale des Associations Familiales Catholiques – CNAFC
    Representative : Armand de JESSEY, Robert AELION et Nicolas REVENU
  • Confédération Syndicale des Familles – CSF
    Representative : Laura GERARD
  • Conseil National des Associations Familiales laïques - CNAFAL
    Representative : Patrick CHARRON
  • Familles de France
    Representative : Raphaelle DELENTE
  • Familles Rurales
    Representative : Anne LEGENTIL, Nadia ZIANE
  • Union Nationale des Associations Familiales - UNAF
    Representative : Valentine DE LA MORINERIE


  • Since 2022
    Rémi KAHANE
  • From 2018 to 2021
    Magali Jannoyer
    Deputy Director General for Research and Strategy (DGDRS), CIRAD
  • From 2013 to 2017
    Nicolas Bricas
    Socio-economist Director of the Unesco Chair in World Food at CIRAD
  • From 2009 to 2013 :
    Bernard Chevassus-au-Louis
    General Inspector at the Ministry of Agriculture.