Dietary Polyphenols and Periodontitis-A Mini-Review of Literature.

Auteur(s) :
Basu A., Masek E., Ebersole JL.
Date :
Juil, 2018
Source(s) :
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland). #23:7 p
Adresse :
Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences, School of Allied Health Sciences, University of Nevada Las Vegas, 4505 S Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89154, USA.

Sommaire de l'article

Periodontitis, which is a chronic infection and disease of the periodontium, is a significant global health burden and is linked to other chronic health conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Dietary polyphenols present in a wide variety of plant-based foods, herbs, and botanicals have been shown to exert antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and reduced osteoclast and alveolar bone loss activities in animal models of periodontitis. Polyphenol-containing beverages and foods especially green tea and its active catechin epigallocatechin-3-gallate, cranberries, pomegranates, and fruit and vegetable extracts have reported bacteriostatic/bactericidal activity against microbial species such as

Source : Pubmed